
提供:Minecraft Wiki
Pottery Shardから転送)
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Invicon Angler Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Angler Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 釣り人の壺の欠片Invicon Archer Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Archer Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 射手の壺の欠片Invicon Arms Up Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Arms Up Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 両腕を挙げた人の壺の欠片Invicon Blade Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Blade Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 剣の壺の欠片Invicon Brewer Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Brewer Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 醸造家の壺の欠片Invicon Burn Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Burn Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 炎の壺の欠片Invicon Danger Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Danger Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 脅威の壺の欠片Invicon Explorer Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Explorer Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 探検家の壺の欠片Invicon Flow Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Flow Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 渦巻きの壺の欠片Invicon Friend Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Friend Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 友の壺の欠片Invicon Guster Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Guster Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 風巻く者の壺の欠片Invicon Heart Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Heart Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 心の壺の欠片Invicon Heartbreak Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Heartbreak Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 傷心の壺の欠片Invicon Howl Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Howl Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 遠吠えの壺の欠片Invicon Miner Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Miner Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 鉱夫の壺の欠片Invicon Mourner Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Mourner Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 哀悼者の壺の欠片Invicon Plenty Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Plenty Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 富の壺の欠片Invicon Prize Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Prize Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 宝物の壺の欠片Invicon Scrape Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Scrape Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 斧の壺の欠片Invicon Sheaf Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Sheaf Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 麦束の壺の欠片Invicon Shelter Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Shelter Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 木陰の壺の欠片Invicon Skull Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Skull Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 頭蓋骨の壺の欠片Invicon Snort Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Snort Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 鼻を鳴らす動物の壺の欠片






壺の欠片(英:Pottery Sherd)は怪しげな砂や砂利から発掘できるアイテムであり、23種類の絵柄がある。任意の絵柄の欠片を1~4個(複数種類可)、レンガを0~3個組み合わせることで、配置に対応した絵柄を持つ飾り壺にクラフトできる。

入手[編集 | ソースを編集]

破壊から[編集 | ソースを編集]


構造物から[編集 | ソースを編集]


怪しげなブロックから[編集 | ソースを編集]


アイテム 構造物 種類 [閉じる]確率
Java EditionおよびBedrock Edition
ItemSprite angler-pottery-sherd.png: Minecraftのangler-pottery-sherdのスプライト画像 linking to 壺の欠片釣り人の壺の欠片 EnvSprite ocean-ruins.png: Minecraftのocean-ruinsのスプライト画像 linking to 海底遺跡暖かい海域の海底遺跡 怪しげな砂 1
ItemSprite archer-pottery-sherd.png: Minecraftのarcher-pottery-sherdのスプライト画像 linking to 壺の欠片射手の壺の欠片 EnvSprite desert-temple.png: Minecraftのdesert-templeのスプライト画像 linking to 砂漠の寺院砂漠の寺院 怪しげな砂利 1 12.5%
ItemSprite arms-up-pottery-sherd.png: Minecraftのarms-up-pottery-sherdのスプライト画像 linking to 壺の欠片両腕を挙げた人の壺の欠片 EnvSprite desert-well.png: Minecraftのdesert-wellのスプライト画像 linking to 砂漠の井戸砂漠の井戸 怪しげな砂 1 25%
ItemSprite blade-pottery-sherd.png: Minecraftのblade-pottery-sherdのスプライト画像 linking to 壺の欠片剣の壺の欠片 EnvSprite ocean-ruins.png: Minecraftのocean-ruinsのスプライト画像 linking to 海底遺跡冷たい海域の海底遺跡 怪しげな砂利 1
ItemSprite brewer-pottery-sherd.png: Minecraftのbrewer-pottery-sherdのスプライト画像 linking to 壺の欠片醸造家の壺の欠片 EnvSprite desert-well.png: Minecraftのdesert-wellのスプライト画像 linking to 砂漠の井戸砂漠の井戸 怪しげな砂 1 25%
ItemSprite burn-pottery-sherd.png: Minecraftのburn-pottery-sherdのスプライト画像 linking to 壺の欠片炎の壺の欠片 EnvSprite trail-ruins.png: Minecraftのtrail-ruinsのスプライト画像 linking to 旅路の遺跡旅路の遺跡 怪しげな砂利 1 8.3%
ItemSprite danger-pottery-sherd.png: Minecraftのdanger-pottery-sherdのスプライト画像 linking to 壺の欠片脅威の壺の欠片 EnvSprite trail-ruins.png: Minecraftのtrail-ruinsのスプライト画像 linking to 旅路の遺跡旅路の遺跡 怪しげな砂利 1 8.3%
ItemSprite explorer-pottery-sherd.png: Minecraftのexplorer-pottery-sherdのスプライト画像 linking to 壺の欠片探検家の壺の欠片 EnvSprite ocean-ruins.png: Minecraftのocean-ruinsのスプライト画像 linking to 海底遺跡冷たい海域の海底遺跡 怪しげな砂利 1
ItemSprite friend-pottery-sherd.png: Minecraftのfriend-pottery-sherdのスプライト画像 linking to 壺の欠片友の壺の欠片 EnvSprite trail-ruins.png: Minecraftのtrail-ruinsのスプライト画像 linking to 旅路の遺跡旅路の遺跡 怪しげな砂利 1 8.3%
ItemSprite heart-pottery-sherd.png: Minecraftのheart-pottery-sherdのスプライト画像 linking to 壺の欠片心の壺の欠片 EnvSprite trail-ruins.png: Minecraftのtrail-ruinsのスプライト画像 linking to 旅路の遺跡旅路の遺跡 怪しげな砂利 1 8.3%
ItemSprite heartbreak-pottery-sherd.png: Minecraftのheartbreak-pottery-sherdのスプライト画像 linking to 壺の欠片傷心の壺の欠片 EnvSprite trail-ruins.png: Minecraftのtrail-ruinsのスプライト画像 linking to 旅路の遺跡旅路の遺跡 怪しげな砂利 1 8.3%
ItemSprite howl-pottery-sherd.png: Minecraftのhowl-pottery-sherdのスプライト画像 linking to 壺の欠片遠吠えの壺の欠片 EnvSprite trail-ruins.png: Minecraftのtrail-ruinsのスプライト画像 linking to 旅路の遺跡旅路の遺跡 怪しげな砂利 1 8.3%
ItemSprite miner-pottery-sherd.png: Minecraftのminer-pottery-sherdのスプライト画像 linking to 壺の欠片鉱夫の壺の欠片 EnvSprite desert-temple.png: Minecraftのdesert-templeのスプライト画像 linking to 砂漠の寺院砂漠の寺院 怪しげな砂利 1 12.5%
ItemSprite mourner-pottery-sherd.png: Minecraftのmourner-pottery-sherdのスプライト画像 linking to 壺の欠片哀悼者の壺の欠片 EnvSprite ocean-ruins.png: Minecraftのocean-ruinsのスプライト画像 linking to 海底遺跡冷たい海域の海底遺跡 怪しげな砂利 1
ItemSprite plenty-pottery-sherd.png: Minecraftのplenty-pottery-sherdのスプライト画像 linking to 壺の欠片富の壺の欠片 EnvSprite ocean-ruins.png: Minecraftのocean-ruinsのスプライト画像 linking to 海底遺跡冷たい海域の海底遺跡 怪しげな砂利 1
ItemSprite prize-pottery-sherd.png: Minecraftのprize-pottery-sherdのスプライト画像 linking to 壺の欠片宝物の壺の欠片 EnvSprite desert-temple.png: Minecraftのdesert-templeのスプライト画像 linking to 砂漠の寺院砂漠の寺院 怪しげな砂利 1 12.5%
ItemSprite sheaf-pottery-sherd.png: Minecraftのsheaf-pottery-sherdのスプライト画像 linking to 壺の欠片麦束の壺の欠片 EnvSprite trail-ruins.png: Minecraftのtrail-ruinsのスプライト画像 linking to 旅路の遺跡旅路の遺跡 怪しげな砂利 1 8.3%
ItemSprite shelter-pottery-sherd.png: Minecraftのshelter-pottery-sherdのスプライト画像 linking to 壺の欠片木陰の壺の欠片 EnvSprite ocean-ruins.png: Minecraftのocean-ruinsのスプライト画像 linking to 海底遺跡暖かい海域の海底遺跡 怪しげな砂 1
ItemSprite skull-pottery-sherd.png: Minecraftのskull-pottery-sherdのスプライト画像 linking to 壺の欠片頭蓋骨の壺の欠片 EnvSprite desert-temple.png: Minecraftのdesert-templeのスプライト画像 linking to 砂漠の寺院砂漠の寺院 怪しげな砂利 1 12.5%
ItemSprite snort-pottery-sherd.png: Minecraftのsnort-pottery-sherdのスプライト画像 linking to 壺の欠片鼻を鳴らす動物の壺の欠片 EnvSprite ocean-ruins.png: Minecraftのocean-ruinsのスプライト画像 linking to 海底遺跡暖かい海域の海底遺跡 怪しげな砂 1

用途[編集 | ソースを編集]

製作材料として[編集 | ソースを編集]

材料 [閉じる]クラフトのレシピ
Invicon Angler Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Angler Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 釣り人の壺の欠片Invicon Arms Up Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Arms Up Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 両腕を挙げた人の壺の欠片Invicon Archer Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Archer Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 射手の壺の欠片Invicon Blade Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Blade Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 剣の壺の欠片Invicon Brewer Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Brewer Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 醸造家の壺の欠片Invicon Burn Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Burn Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 炎の壺の欠片Invicon Danger Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Danger Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 脅威の壺の欠片Invicon Explorer Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Explorer Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 探検家の壺の欠片Invicon Flow Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Flow Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 渦巻きの壺の欠片Invicon Friend Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Friend Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 友の壺の欠片Invicon Guster Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Guster Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 風巻く者の壺の欠片Invicon Heart Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Heart Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 心の壺の欠片Invicon Heartbreak Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Heartbreak Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 傷心の壺の欠片Invicon Howl Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Howl Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 遠吠えの壺の欠片Invicon Miner Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Miner Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 鉱夫の壺の欠片Invicon Mourner Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Mourner Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 哀悼者の壺の欠片Invicon Plenty Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Plenty Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 富の壺の欠片Invicon Prize Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Prize Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 宝物の壺の欠片Invicon Scrape Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Scrape Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 斧の壺の欠片Invicon Sheaf Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Sheaf Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 麦束の壺の欠片Invicon Shelter Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Shelter Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 木陰の壺の欠片Invicon Skull Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Skull Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 頭蓋骨の壺の欠片Invicon Snort Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Snort Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 鼻を鳴らす動物の壺の欠片Invicon Brick.png: Inventory sprite for Brick in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to レンガ with description: レンガInvicon Angler Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Angler Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 釣り人の壺の欠片Invicon Arms Up Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Arms Up Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 両腕を挙げた人の壺の欠片Invicon Archer Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Archer Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 射手の壺の欠片Invicon Blade Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Blade Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 剣の壺の欠片Invicon Brewer Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Brewer Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 醸造家の壺の欠片Invicon Burn Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Burn Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 炎の壺の欠片Invicon Danger Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Danger Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 脅威の壺の欠片Invicon Explorer Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Explorer Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 探検家の壺の欠片Invicon Flow Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Flow Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 渦巻きの壺の欠片Invicon Friend Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Friend Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 友の壺の欠片Invicon Guster Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Guster Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 風巻く者の壺の欠片Invicon Heart Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Heart Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 心の壺の欠片Invicon Heartbreak Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Heartbreak Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 傷心の壺の欠片Invicon Howl Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Howl Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 遠吠えの壺の欠片Invicon Miner Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Miner Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 鉱夫の壺の欠片Invicon Mourner Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Mourner Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 哀悼者の壺の欠片Invicon Plenty Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Plenty Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 富の壺の欠片Invicon Prize Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Prize Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 宝物の壺の欠片Invicon Scrape Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Scrape Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 斧の壺の欠片Invicon Sheaf Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Sheaf Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 麦束の壺の欠片Invicon Shelter Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Shelter Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 木陰の壺の欠片Invicon Skull Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Skull Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 頭蓋骨の壺の欠片Invicon Snort Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Snort Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 鼻を鳴らす動物の壺の欠片Invicon Brick.png: Inventory sprite for Brick in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to レンガ with description: レンガInvicon Angler Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Angler Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 釣り人の壺の欠片Invicon Arms Up Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Arms Up Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 両腕を挙げた人の壺の欠片Invicon Archer Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Archer Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 射手の壺の欠片Invicon Blade Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Blade Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 剣の壺の欠片Invicon Brewer Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Brewer Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 醸造家の壺の欠片Invicon Burn Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Burn Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 炎の壺の欠片Invicon Danger Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Danger Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 脅威の壺の欠片Invicon Explorer Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Explorer Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 探検家の壺の欠片Invicon Flow Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Flow Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 渦巻きの壺の欠片Invicon Friend Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Friend Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 友の壺の欠片Invicon Guster Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Guster Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 風巻く者の壺の欠片Invicon Heart Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Heart Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 心の壺の欠片Invicon Heartbreak Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Heartbreak Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 傷心の壺の欠片Invicon Howl Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Howl Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 遠吠えの壺の欠片Invicon Miner Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Miner Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 鉱夫の壺の欠片Invicon Mourner Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Mourner Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 哀悼者の壺の欠片Invicon Plenty Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Plenty Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 富の壺の欠片Invicon Prize Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Prize Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 宝物の壺の欠片Invicon Scrape Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Scrape Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 斧の壺の欠片Invicon Sheaf Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Sheaf Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 麦束の壺の欠片Invicon Shelter Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Shelter Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 木陰の壺の欠片Invicon Skull Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Skull Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 頭蓋骨の壺の欠片Invicon Snort Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Snort Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 鼻を鳴らす動物の壺の欠片Invicon Brick.png: Inventory sprite for Brick in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to レンガ with description: レンガInvicon Angler Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Angler Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 釣り人の壺の欠片Invicon Arms Up Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Arms Up Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 両腕を挙げた人の壺の欠片Invicon Archer Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Archer Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 射手の壺の欠片Invicon Blade Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Blade Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 剣の壺の欠片Invicon Brewer Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Brewer Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 醸造家の壺の欠片Invicon Burn Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Burn Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 炎の壺の欠片Invicon Danger Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Danger Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 脅威の壺の欠片Invicon Explorer Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Explorer Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 探検家の壺の欠片Invicon Flow Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Flow Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 渦巻きの壺の欠片Invicon Friend Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Friend Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 友の壺の欠片Invicon Guster Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Guster Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 風巻く者の壺の欠片Invicon Heart Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Heart Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 心の壺の欠片Invicon Heartbreak Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Heartbreak Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 傷心の壺の欠片Invicon Howl Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Howl Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 遠吠えの壺の欠片Invicon Miner Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Miner Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 鉱夫の壺の欠片Invicon Mourner Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Mourner Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 哀悼者の壺の欠片Invicon Plenty Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Plenty Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 富の壺の欠片Invicon Prize Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Prize Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 宝物の壺の欠片Invicon Scrape Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Scrape Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 斧の壺の欠片Invicon Sheaf Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Sheaf Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 麦束の壺の欠片Invicon Shelter Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Shelter Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 木陰の壺の欠片Invicon Skull Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Skull Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 頭蓋骨の壺の欠片Invicon Snort Pottery Sherd.png: Inventory sprite for Snort Pottery Sherd in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: 鼻を鳴らす動物の壺の欠片Invicon Brick.png: Inventory sprite for Brick in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to レンガ with description: レンガ
Invicon Decorated Pot.png: Inventory sprite for Decorated Pot in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to 飾り壺 with description: 飾り壺

技術的情報[編集 | ソースを編集]

ID[編集 | ソースを編集]

Java Edition:

ItemSprite angler-pottery-sherd.png: Minecraftのangler-pottery-sherdのスプライト画像 釣り人の壺の欠片angler_pottery_sherdアイテムitem.minecraft.angler_pottery_sherd
ItemSprite archer-pottery-sherd.png: Minecraftのarcher-pottery-sherdのスプライト画像 射手の壺の欠片archer_pottery_sherdアイテムitem.minecraft.archer_pottery_sherd
ItemSprite arms-up-pottery-sherd.png: Minecraftのarms-up-pottery-sherdのスプライト画像 両腕を挙げた人の壺の欠片arms_up_pottery_sherdアイテムitem.minecraft.arms_up_pottery_sherd
ItemSprite blade-pottery-sherd.png: Minecraftのblade-pottery-sherdのスプライト画像 剣の壺の欠片blade_pottery_sherdアイテムitem.minecraft.blade_pottery_sherd
ItemSprite brewer-pottery-sherd.png: Minecraftのbrewer-pottery-sherdのスプライト画像 醸造家の壺の欠片brewer_pottery_sherdアイテムitem.minecraft.brewer_pottery_sherd
ItemSprite burn-pottery-sherd.png: Minecraftのburn-pottery-sherdのスプライト画像 炎の壺の欠片burn_pottery_sherdアイテムitem.minecraft.burn_pottery_sherd
ItemSprite danger-pottery-sherd.png: Minecraftのdanger-pottery-sherdのスプライト画像 脅威の壺の欠片danger_pottery_sherdアイテムitem.minecraft.danger_pottery_sherd
ItemSprite explorer-pottery-sherd.png: Minecraftのexplorer-pottery-sherdのスプライト画像 探検家の壺の欠片explorer_pottery_sherdアイテムitem.minecraft.explorer_pottery_sherd
ItemSprite flow-pottery-sherd.png: Minecraftのflow-pottery-sherdのスプライト画像 渦巻きの壺の欠片flow_pottery_sherdアイテムitem.minecraft.flow_pottery_sherd
ItemSprite friend-pottery-sherd.png: Minecraftのfriend-pottery-sherdのスプライト画像 友の壺の欠片friend_pottery_sherdアイテムitem.minecraft.friend_pottery_sherd
ItemSprite guster-pottery-sherd.png: Minecraftのguster-pottery-sherdのスプライト画像 風巻く者の壺の欠片guster_pottery_sherdアイテムitem.minecraft.guster_pottery_sherd
ItemSprite heart-pottery-sherd.png: Minecraftのheart-pottery-sherdのスプライト画像 心の壺の欠片heart_pottery_sherdアイテムitem.minecraft.heart_pottery_sherd
ItemSprite heartbreak-pottery-sherd.png: Minecraftのheartbreak-pottery-sherdのスプライト画像 傷心の壺の欠片heartbreak_pottery_sherdアイテムitem.minecraft.heartbreak_pottery_sherd
ItemSprite howl-pottery-sherd.png: Minecraftのhowl-pottery-sherdのスプライト画像 遠吠えの壺の欠片howl_pottery_sherdアイテムitem.minecraft.howl_pottery_sherd
ItemSprite miner-pottery-sherd.png: Minecraftのminer-pottery-sherdのスプライト画像 鉱夫の壺の欠片miner_pottery_sherdアイテムitem.minecraft.miner_pottery_sherd
ItemSprite mourner-pottery-sherd.png: Minecraftのmourner-pottery-sherdのスプライト画像 哀悼者の壺の欠片mourner_pottery_sherdアイテムitem.minecraft.mourner_pottery_sherd
ItemSprite plenty-pottery-sherd.png: Minecraftのplenty-pottery-sherdのスプライト画像 富の壺の欠片plenty_pottery_sherdアイテムitem.minecraft.plenty_pottery_sherd
ItemSprite prize-pottery-sherd.png: Minecraftのprize-pottery-sherdのスプライト画像 宝物の壺の欠片prize_pottery_sherdアイテムitem.minecraft.prize_pottery_sherd
ItemSprite scrape-pottery-sherd.png: Minecraftのscrape-pottery-sherdのスプライト画像 斧の壺の欠片scrape_pottery_sherdアイテムitem.minecraft.scrape_pottery_sherd
ItemSprite sheaf-pottery-sherd.png: Minecraftのsheaf-pottery-sherdのスプライト画像 麦束の壺の欠片sheaf_pottery_sherdアイテムitem.minecraft.sheaf_pottery_sherd
ItemSprite shelter-pottery-sherd.png: Minecraftのshelter-pottery-sherdのスプライト画像 木陰の壺の欠片shelter_pottery_sherdアイテムitem.minecraft.shelter_pottery_sherd
ItemSprite skull-pottery-sherd.png: Minecraftのskull-pottery-sherdのスプライト画像 頭蓋骨の壺の欠片skull_pottery_sherdアイテムitem.minecraft.skull_pottery_sherd
ItemSprite snort-pottery-sherd.png: Minecraftのsnort-pottery-sherdのスプライト画像 鼻を鳴らす動物の壺の欠片snort_pottery_sherdアイテムitem.minecraft.snort_pottery_sherd

Bedrock Edition:

ItemSprite archer-pottery-sherd.png: Minecraftのarcher-pottery-sherdのスプライト画像 射手の壺の欠片archer_pottery_sherd?アイテムitem.archer_pottery_sherd.name
ItemSprite arms-up-pottery-sherd.png: Minecraftのarms-up-pottery-sherdのスプライト画像 両腕を挙げた人の壺の欠片arms_up_pottery_sherd?アイテムitem.arms_up_pottery_sherd.name
ItemSprite prize-pottery-sherd.png: Minecraftのprize-pottery-sherdのスプライト画像 宝物の壺の欠片prize_pottery_sherd?アイテムitem.prize_pottery_sherd.name
ItemSprite skull-pottery-sherd.png: Minecraftのskull-pottery-sherdのスプライト画像 頭蓋骨の壺の欠片skull_pottery_sherd?アイテムitem.skull_pottery_sherd.name

実績[編集 | ソースを編集]

アイコン 実績 ゲーム内での説明 実際の条件(異なる場合) 得られるゲーマースコア [閉じる]トロフィーの種類(PS4)
PS4 その他
AchievementSprite careful-restoration.png: Minecraftのcareful-restorationのスプライト画像 linking to 実績#慎重な修復NewAchievementSprite careful-restoration.png: Minecraftのcareful-restorationのスプライト画像 linking to 実績#慎重な修復慎重な修復4 つの陶器の破片から飾り壺を作る10Gブロンズ

進捗[編集 | ソースを編集]

アイコン 進捗 ゲーム内での説明 前提条件 実際の条件(異なる場合)[閉じる] 名前空間ID
文明の面影に敬意を怪しげなブロックをブラシで払って、壺の欠片を手に入れる 冒険
丁寧な修復作業4つの壷の欠片を使って飾り壺を作る 文明の面影に敬意を

歴史[編集 | ソースを編集]

2020年10月3日 Ceramic shardsがMinecraft Live 2020で発表された。
2023年2月10日Sofia Dankisが、壺の欠片など今後の考古学についての特集記事を掲載した。
Java Edition
23w07a 実験的データパックに壺の欠片が追加された。
1.19.4 Pre-release 3 射手の壺の欠片のテクスチャが変更された。
23w16a英名がPottery ShardからPottery Sherdへと改名された。
24w11a 渦巻き・風巻く者・斧の壺の欠片が追加された。
Bedrock Edition
beta 壺の欠片が追加された。
beta 射手の壺の欠片のテクスチャが変更された。
beta 新たに16種類の絵柄が追加された。
beta英名がPottery ShardからPottery Sherdへと改名された。
1.21 アップデート
Preview フロー、ガスター、スクレイプの壺の欠片が追加された。

ギャラリー[編集 | ソースを編集]

開発時の写真[編集 | ソースを編集]

公式のアートワーク[編集 | ソースを編集]

問題点[編集 | ソースを編集]
