テンプレート:Technical Block

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Technical Block














[閲覧] [編集] [履歴] [更新]解説
代わりに{{Infobox block}}を使用してください。


{{Technical Block

複数のデータ値があるアイテムなら、|data= ではなく |multipledata= にしてください。

パラメータ 機能 既定値
title Only needed to change the title from the page name {{BASEPAGENAME}}
image Image of the block (should be approx. 300×300px) {{{title}}}.png if it exists, otherwise No image.svg (linking to the page where to upload the missing image)
imageN Other images for two-state blocks (also approx. 300×300px) なし
invimage Image for object in inventory. Can use なし to force no invimage. Uses Template:Grid. Grid {{{title}}}.png if it exists, otherwise なし
invimageN Other images for object in inventory. Uses Template:Grid. なし
tool Tool to use. Picture means, the block can only be broken with this tool (this quality or better). Outline means, the block can be broken with any tool, but this tool is the quickest. "Any tool" means that every tool is equally effective (or the block can be instantly broken with anything). "None" means the block cannot be broken. ?
tool2 Second tool that can be used, same format than the tool field. ?
tntres Block's resistance to explosions. The value comes from the code; there aren't any units for it. ?
hardness Block's resistance to being broken. The value comes from the code; there aren't any units for it. ?
light Emits Light? If "Yes," add the light value like this: "Yes (9)" ?
transparent Can you see through some part of this block? Not as obvious as it seems, see Opacity. ?
flammable Whether the block is flammable or not. If so, the flammability value is included. Unspecified
lavasusceptible Whether the block catches fire from nearby lava. Not always the same as flammable. Unspecified


Minecraft Dungeons
[閲覧] [編集] [履歴] [更新]上記の解説は、テンプレート:Technical Block/docから参照されています。