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アイテム 構造物 種類 [閉じる]確率
Java Edition
ItemSprite melon-seeds.png: Minecraftのmelon-seedsのスプライト画像 linking to スイカの種スイカの種 EnvSprite dungeon.png: Minecraftのdungeonのスプライト画像 linking to ダンジョンダンジョン チェスト 2–4 18.5%
EnvSprite abandoned-mineshaft.png: Minecraftのabandoned-mineshaftのスプライト画像 linking to 廃坑廃坑 チェスト 2–4 27.3%
EnvSprite woodland-mansion.png: Minecraftのwoodland-mansionのスプライト画像 linking to 森の洋館森の洋館 チェスト 2–4 13.5%
Bedrock Edition
ItemSprite melon-seeds.png: Minecraftのmelon-seedsのスプライト画像 linking to スイカの種スイカの種 EnvSprite dungeon.png: Minecraftのdungeonのスプライト画像 linking to ダンジョンダンジョン チェスト 2–4 18.5%
EnvSprite abandoned-mineshaft.png: Minecraftのabandoned-mineshaftのスプライト画像 linking to 廃坑廃坑 チェスト 2–4 27.3%
EnvSprite day.png: Minecraftのdayのスプライト画像 linking to ボーナスチェストボーナスチェスト チェスト 1–2 33.3%
EnvSprite woodland-mansion.png: Minecraftのwoodland-mansionのスプライト画像 linking to 森の洋館森の洋館 チェスト 2–4 18.5%
Bedrock Edition 1.21.50
ItemSprite melon-seeds.png: Minecraftのmelon-seedsのスプライト画像 linking to スイカの種スイカの種 EnvSprite woodland-mansion.png: Minecraftのwoodland-mansionのスプライト画像 linking to 森の洋館森の洋館 チェスト 2–4 16.1%




材料 [閉じる]クラフトのレシピ
Invicon Melon.png: Inventory sprite for Melon in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to スイカ with description: スイカ
Invicon Melon Seeds.png: Inventory sprite for Melon Seeds in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: スイカの種



Melon seeds can be planted only on farmland. Over time, they grow into a stem and produce a melon on any adjacent dirt, grass, or farmland block. If a melon is already occupying an adjacent dirt/grass or farmland spot, the stem will not grow any more melons until the melon is removed. A single stem can grow an unlimited number of melons. Like other seeds, they need a certain amount of light to grow. Melon seeds are affected by bone meal only with respect to stem growth—bone meal does not help produce the actual melons.



Melon Stem

A melon stem is the block that is planted on farmland when melon seeds are used on it. It starts underground, and rises up as the plant grows. The stem is colored green when young, and then brown once fully grown.

The stem will curve once a melon has grown off of it. A fully-grown single stem will connect to any melon in an adjacent square, thus there are 5 possible appearances to a stem. If there are multiple melons it can connect to, it will favor the east, then west, north, and south. When the melon is removed, the stem will return to its straight shape.

Data values



Block data

Data values」も参照

The melon stem (block 105) uses the following block data values:

Pumpkin Stem/DV

Block state

Block states」も参照

The minecraft:melon_stem block uses following block states:

Melon Stem/BS




Java Edition Beta
1.8pre1Added melon seeds.
They can be found in the new mineshaft chests.
Java Edition
1.4.212w36aChickens now use wheat seeds, melon seeds and pumpkin seeds instead of wheat to breed.
1.7.213w37aBlock ID 105 (melon stem) was removed from the /give command.
1.81.8-pre1Melon seeds no longer can be used to breed chickens.
1.915w31aChickens can now use melon seeds to breed again.
15w44aAdded to dungeon chests, and decreased average yield from mineshaft chests.
1.1116w39aMelon seeds are now found in the new woodland mansion.
Melon crops now generate inside woodland mansions.
Pocket Edition Alpha
0.5.0Added melon seeds.
0.9.0Melon seeds can now be found in abandoned mineshaft chests.
0.12.1build 1Melon seeds are no longer available from the Nether reactor.
pocket upcoming
1.1build 1Melon crops now generate inside woodland mansions.
Legacy Console Edition
TU5CU1Patch 1Added melon seeds.




See also