新 Minecarft Wiki 1周年!
Bedrock Edition 1.8.0
エディション | |
リリース日 |
2018年12月11日 |
開発版 | |
プロトコルバージョン | |
1.8の他の エディション |
{ "title": "1.8.0", "images": [ "BE 1.8.jpeg" ], "rows": [ { "field": "''(link to Bedrock Edition article, displayed as Bedrock Edition)''", "label": "エディション" }, { "field": "2018年12月11日", "label": "リリース日" }, { "field": "<div class=\"hlist\">'''ベータ版'''<br>\n*(link to Bedrock Edition beta article, displayed as\n*(link to Bedrock Edition beta article, displayed as\n*(link to Bedrock Edition beta article, displayed as\n*(link to Bedrock Edition beta article, displayed as\n*(link to Bedrock Edition beta article, displayed as</div>", "label": "<span style=\"white-space: normal;\">開発版</span>" }, { "field": "(link to テンプレート:Protocol version#不明なバージョン article, displayed as 保留中)(link to カテゴリ:保留中のプロトコルバージョン article, displayed as カテゴリ:保留中のプロトコルバージョン)", "label": "(link to プロトコルバージョン article, displayed as プロトコルバージョン)" }, { "field": "<div style=\"margin-left: -1em\">\n*<span style=\"white-space:nowrap;\">(link to Java Edition Classic server 1.8 article, displayed as Java Edition Classicサーバー)</span>\n*<span style=\"white-space:nowrap;\">(link to Java Edition Beta 1.8 article, displayed as Java Edition Beta)</span>\n*<span style=\"white-space:nowrap;\">(link to Java Edition 1.8 article, displayed as Java Edition)</span>\n*<span style=\"white-space:nowrap;\">(link to Education Edition 1.8 article, displayed as Education Edition)</span>\n*<span style=\"white-space:nowrap;\">(link to New Nintendo 3DS Edition 1.8 article, displayed as New Nintendo 3DS Edition)</span>\n*<span style=\"white-space:nowrap;\">(link to Minecraft Dungeons:1.8 article, displayed as Minecraft Dungeons)</span></div>", "label": "<span style=\"white-space:normal;\">(link to 1.8 article, displayed as 1.8)の他の<br />エディション</span>" } ], "invimages": [], "footer": "<div style=\"display:inline-block\"><div style=\"display:inline-block;padding:0 .4em\">[[Bedrock Edition 1.7|<span style=\"margin-right:-0.35em\">◄</span>◄ 1.7]]</div><div style=\"display:inline-block;padding:0 .4em\">[[Bedrock Edition 1.7.1|◄ 1.7.1]]</div>\n</div><div style=\"display:inline-block\"><div style=\"display:inline-block;padding:0 .4em\">[[Bedrock Edition 1.8.1| 1.8.1 ►]]</div><div style=\"display:inline-block;padding:0 .4em\">[[Bedrock Edition 1.9| 1.9 <span style=\"margin-right:-0.35em\">►</span>►]]</div></div>" }
「Holiday Update」はこの項目へ転送されています。2016年に提供された Legacy Console Edition のアップデートについては「Legacy Console Edition/更新履歴 § ps4-1.38」を、2018年に PS4 に提供されたアップデートについては「Legacy Console Edition/更新履歴 § ps4-1.83」をご覧ください。
1.8 は、2018年12月11日にリリースされた Bedrock Edition のメジャーアップデートである[1]。このアップデートでは、パンダや竹、足場、クロスボウ、ヤマネコから分けられた Mob であるネコなどが追加されている[2]。
- 新たな武器
- 3種類の新たなエンチャントをクロスボウにに付与できる
- 弓よりも強いが、矢の装填に時間がかかる
- 新たな染料
- ゲームに再度追加されたが、NBT エディターを使用することでのみスポーンさせることができる
- ネコ(野良猫)
- クイックチャージ
- 矢の装填時間を短縮できる
- マルチショット
- 3つの矢、またはロケット花火を撃つことができる。ただし、消費される個数は1つだけである
- 貫通
- 撃った矢が Mob を突き抜けるようになる
- Java Edition から移植されたコマンド
- 以下のパーティクルのみが使用できる(接頭辞の
- コマンドのリストをスクリプト化して実行できる
- 関数を一度実行する
- 全てのビヘイビアーパックから、全ての関数を再読み込みする
- バニラのエンティティと、アドオンで追加されたエンティティを区別するため、
- ゲームルールに
- デフォルトの名前が「@」から「!」に変更された
- クラフトレシピが追加された
- 未染色のシュルカーボックスのレシピが追加された
- 竹を使用してクラフトできるようになった
- The bow in the hotbar now shows an arrow when being drawn.
- "Dandelion yellow", "rose red" and "cactus green" have been renamed to "yellow dye", "red dye" and "green dye", respectively.
- Can now be placed in the off-hand slot.
- ネコを怖がるようになり、近くにネコがいる場合は急降下しなくなった
- 熱帯魚の大きさが大きくなった
- スポーンエッグを使用してスポーンさせた際に、子供のものもスポーンするようになった
- 飼いならすことができなくなった
- 1.7 以前で飼いならしていたヤマネコは飼いならされたネコとなった
- 餌を与えると信頼度が上がるようになった
- フグ、および熱帯魚を餌として与えられるようになった
- Catches have been changed in the jungle biome.
- Now only raw cod and raw salmon can be caught as fish in a jungle.
- Bamboo can now be caught as a junk item from fishing in a jungle.
- 以下のコマンドが、チートの実行を有効にしなくとも行えるようになった
/gamerule showcoordinates
/gamerule dofiretick
/gamerule tntexplodes
/gamerule domobloot
/gamerule naturalregeneration
/gamerule dotiledrops
/gamerule pvp
- Now only players with operator permissions can use game rules.
- The commands to set scoreboards' names are now recognized.
- Now has an animated loading bar.
- More skin packs are now shown in the skin picker menu, and each pack can be opened and viewed in its own page.
- The autocomplete list for player mentions now work in slash commands
- The player can now send links to their favorite Marketplace content using the share button.
- Improvements to how and when spawn positions are moved to safer places.
- Content can now be sorted by 'Updates available' in the Marketplace inventory.
- Content can now be sorted and filtered by rating in the Marketplace.
- 遊び方
- 足場のガイドが追加された
- アドオンの更新
- The player can now add their own mobs, particles and more without having to replace any vanilla features.
- Fixed several crashes that occurred during gameplay.
- Fixed a crash that would occur if the player was disconnected while loading resource packs.
- Fixed a crash that would occur on Xbox One if the player signed out too quickly after signing in.
- Fixed a crash that could occur during the splash loading screen on Windows 10 Mobile.
- Fixed a crash that could occur on startup for Gear VR.
- Fixed a crash that would occur when using lava buckets on fish.
- Fixed a bug where multiple UI screens could be opened at once, causing the game to crash.
- MCPE-36274: Fixed a crash that could occur due to a recently added Windows 10 feature.
- MCPE-19535: Fixed the bug where players on Realms could be instantly killed in one shot by a Blaze fireball attack.
- MCPE-35857 Planting crops continuously will no longer skip blocks.
- MCPE-17144: Tamed wolves will now tilt their heads when the player is holding meat.
- MCPE-14426: Magma cubes no longer inflict damage during their death animation.
- MCPE-21863: Mobs in minecarts no longer activate adjacent detector rails.
- MCPE-19156: Ghast sounds are no longer repeated when they are shooting fireballs.
- MCPE-37387: Crafting multiple cakes using the recipe book will now return the correct number of empty buckets to the player.
- MCPE-16141: Wall signs no longer show different types of wood particles when being broken.
- MCPE-23498: Explosions will now drop blocks if the default game mode is Creative and Tile Drops are enabled.
- MCPE-37328: Flower pots that contain saplings will once again drop the correct type when broken.
- MCPE-36795: Players will now face forwards when entering a boat.
- MCPE-36741: Removed "MCPE!" from the list of splash screen messages.
- Water now renders correctly when surrounded by Barrier Blocks.
- Fixed an issue that would sometimes cause black visual glitches to appear around blocks when riding a horse.
- MCPE-31242: Players will no longer teleport when standing against a non-full block and reloading the game.
- Fixed incorrect interact buttons appearing briefly for certain mobs on touch screen devices.
- The achievement button no longer appears in the pause menu if not signed into Xbox Live.
- Fixed a bug where players could see through solid blocks when swimming.
- The multiplayer toggle is now accurately shown when using platform restricted content on Xbox One and Nintendo Switch.
- MCPE-13799: Double wooden slabs can now be placed regardless of crosshair position.
- MCPE-37492: Pistons no longer drop as items when being pushed or pulled.
- MCPE-18518: Large Slimes and Magma Cubes now have the correct sized hitbox based on their size.
- MCPE-37155: Kelp will now only grow into water source blocks or full downward flowing water, and no longer creates a new source block.
- MCPE-36917: Fixed an exploit where rails could be duplicated.
- MCPE-19015: Lightning no longer strikes if the destination is in a cold biome.
- MCPE-37257: Fixed mobs not always taking fall damage when they should.
- MCPE-33686: The "Body Guard" achievement can now be unlocked after creating an Iron Golem.
- Fixed rare enchantments being too hard to get at higher levels.
- The right bumper button now correctly scrolls through the tabs in the game menu on Nintendo Switch.
- MCPE-13758: The hitbox of piston arms now matches the size and shape correctly.
- MCPE-28812: Players no longer fall through Shulker Boxes as they open.
- Improved the loading time of various game files.
- Fixed the buttons used on the startup message for players using Windows Mixed Reality.
- MCPE-37269: Worlds larger than 1GB can now be copied and exported on Windows 10.
- MCPE-36799: Added a underscore to frozen_river in the biomes_client.json so it matches the other vanilla Resource Pack entries.
- The player locator map marker now faces the right direction when aboard a boat.
- MCPE-34864: Fixed an issue with custom player permissions that might not apply correctly in multiplayer.
- MCPE-34926: Potion of Slow Falling will now slow down Elytra descent.
- MCPE-32635: Multiple items can be collected when trading with villagers again when using touch controls.
- Fixed a bug where only white firework stars could be crafted.
- The player's hands are now properly rotated and positioned when aboard a boat and holding a bow.
- MCPE-33788: Lava blocks no longer appear green in the command autocomplete area.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when killing and summoning a salmon with its navigation component removed.
- Reassigned Page Up and Page Down keys are now labelled correctly on the Settings screen.
- Controller hints now show the correct usage of "Open" and "Use" when looking at containers.
- Player names that are made up of only numbers are now surrounded with quotation marks when using autocomplete for slash commands.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when kelp grows.
- Fixed a crash that could occur in worlds that contained locator maps.
- MCPE-27167: Shulker boxes that contain tropical fish buckets no longer cause lag.
- Dinnerbone が、ホリデーシーズンに行われるアップデートであるとツイート[3]したことから、「Holiday Update」とも呼ばれている。
- ↑ 「Pandas and more now in Minecraft Bedrock」 – Minecraft.net、2018年12月11日
- ↑ Beta - 1.8.0 (Bedrock) 「December 11, 2018」 – Minecraft.net
- ↑ “A lot of people misunderstood it, there was definitely some confusing messages from Minecon - they were about bedrock only, but it wasn't clear.There's currently no plans for a separate holiday update on Java Edition.” – @Dinnerbone、2018年10月18日
警告: 既定のソートキー「Bedrock Edition 1.08」が、その前に書かれている既定のソートキー「1.8.0」を上書きしています。